MyHOPE 籌款專頁

MyHOPE 專頁建立者
Elexa Liu

I walk. You give. They go to school.

The Good Trekker Trekathon Fundraising Campaign
The Good Trekker Trekathon Fundraising Campaign
HK$ 6,000
HK$ 0


From October 19-25, I will participate in HOPE worldwide's "Good Trekker Trekathon". On the first day, I will visit the HOPE worldwide Centre for Kids in Chengdu and spend some time volunteering there. The centre serves migrant workers' children by providing them with academic enhancement and character education classes. Hww also provides education sponsorships for children living in rural areals.  The purpose of the work is to help families break the cycle of poverty through education. Education is a long-term investment.  You often will not see the effect until many years later.  But it's worth it.  It's good for the person, for the family, and for the society as a whole.

After that, our group will travel to Daocheng Yading Nature Reserve.  We will spend the next 5 days trekking 40 kilometres. 

This is the first time HOPE worldwide or I are doing something like this. Please consider supporting my fundraising effort to support HOPEww Children's Program in China. 


Either a lump sum donation or sponsorships by the kilometre will be gratefully accepted.

更新日期: 2014-09-30



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